Since 2016, they operate as an artistic duo producing interventions, installations and markings as poetic agency essays in different geographic and cultural territories. The prime matter of their work emerges from the compulsive record of everyday life, identifying symptoms of decadence, oblivion and destruction in public space, while retrieving discarded objects from the streets.
They have presented projects in many provinces of Argentina, such as Tucuman, Chaco, Corrientes and Buenos Aires. During the last two years, they participated of different residency programs on research and production of contemporary art in South Korea,Japan and Portugal.

︎Todo comienza con un hotel ...
y no sabiendo qué hacer con él.
︎DELICEIRAS 18 Residencia
Porto, Portugal
[Ago-Sept 2021]
Porto, Portugal
[Ago-Sept 2021]
Honoris caussii
︎Sensitive exploration of natural materials intervening in natural space
︎MONTE Residencia
Tres Horquetas, Chaco
[April 2021]
Tres Horquetas, Chaco
[April 2021]
The 5 o’clock Melody
(Or Before Everything Burns)
︎A spatial marking exercise and
an evocative staging within
the facilities of the DÔ-SÔ Residency studio.
︎Dô-Sô Artist Residence
Fujiyoshida, Japan
[January 2019]
Fujiyoshida, Japan
[January 2019]