“Nobody sees a flower ―really ―
it is so small it takes time, we haven’t time
and to see takes time like to have a friend takes time”.
― Georgia O'Keeffe
Ensayos florales
/Pilar Olivero x Val Vargas/
2024 Galería Eloi
/Pilar Olivero x Val Vargas/
2024 Galería Eloi

"Florilegios" translates to "Florilegium" in medieval latin, which refers to a collection of flowers. It can also be used to describe a compilation or anthology of botanical illustrations. In this case, it is the name of an ephemeral installation, marking the harvest of a brief autumn collection.
Val Vargas and Pilar Olivero, two artist friends who live and work in different parts of the world, Paris and Buenos Aires, celebrate their annual meeting this year with this efimetal exhibition.
For one day, Galería Eloi will be a living workspace, an invitation to pause
from the day in the beauty of flowers. It's a proposal that creates a false landscape, a fake botany, so that those who visit the exhibition voluntarily stop and gaze upon the beauty surrounding us, often unnoticed.
Text by Jimena Rios, 2024