Ornamental Soup Spoon
Material: bronze
Antique spoon intervened
The smooth surface of an old spoon provokes an intuitive impulse for the addition of an ornament in order to break the monotony, the uniformity of the empty space.
An ornamental confusion blurs the boundary between form and function.
Collective exhibition
Alumni of Cranbrook Metals (Detroit, US) y Taller Eloi (Buenos Aires, Arg)
2024 Museo Explora Salta
Alumni of Cranbrook Metals (Detroit, US) y Taller Eloi (Buenos Aires, Arg)
2024 Museo Explora Salta

Ornamental Tea Spoon
Material: silver 800, bronze
Antique spoon intervened

La cuchara tiene la forma más amable y generosa de los utensilios. Está presente para cocinar, comer y servir en muchas culturas. Sirve como unidad de medida, como instrumento fundamental para mezclar ingredientes. Con una cuchara se han preparado medicinas, pócimas y alimentos. Con una cuchara se come y también se dá de comer.
The spoon is the kindest and most generous of utensils. It is present for cooking, eating and serving in many cultures. It serves as a unit of measurement, as a fundamental instrument for mixing ingredients. Medicines, potions and food have been prepared with a spoon. A spoon is used to eat and also to feed.